Come Out & Play


My childhood bedroom was covered in colorful murals that I painted when I was 9.  The images were basically a wetland scene full of a giant pond bursting with iridescent green dragonflies, fat cat tails, ladybirds, exotic magenta flowers, bright cobalt beetles and a cast of a thousand other creatures with wings or fur or feathers wrapping around the entry way to my calendula colored room. Perhaps this is why I never chose to have any imaginary friends back then, though I always fancied the idea. I painted and sculpted worlds all the time.   Both seem like good creative solution to many a childhood situation where you would like options or simply want an expanded world. As an adult I seem to be more free to enjoy the luxury of un abashedly welcoming totem guides, and especially a raven accomplis and guide to join me in my travels and dreams. I love the idea of having a wise yet lighthearted playmate that will pull me out of my seriousness when it gets too thick and reminds me to take to the sky, breathe, and play more.

According to the ancient Chinese view, the genuine human being – one whose heart is awake to reality – is born in this intersection of heaven and earth.
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