“Take care. Take risks.”
Katheryn consults with individuals, couples, small groups and organisations.
Individual 2 hour, half day and day long sessions are available. Sessions are geared to revealing and discovering what is essential, authentic and true. From these innate strengths and natural abilities, individuals and organizations thrive. This inside out approach allows for a natural flow. From this, satisfaction and success arise effortlessly. These sessions can be used for professional, personal, and artistic development.
“What can we gain
by sailing to the moon
if we cannot cross the abyss
that separates us from ourselves?”
Katheryn is available to work with you individually, on Skype, or consult with your group or organization in person. Inquire for availability.
“My session with Katheryn was powerful and surprisingly potent. It changed my perspective and helped me see how I keep myself unnecessarily anxious and actively block joy. I can see much more clearly how I can have a life where I feel at home and more alive without effort. A life of actually living fully.”
This is a unique opportunity to speak privately with international artist, author & speaker Katheryn Trenshaw. Join from the comfort of your own home via videoconference. In this safe, confidential space, explore your deepest calling, and what holds you back. It’s Katheryn’s joy to offer focused attention about what truly matters to you.
Katheryn meets you in Presence. Whatever challenges you face, she strips bare the excess and guides you home to the now.
Katheryn has been teaching and traveling Internationally for more then 30 years, holding workshops and retreats and sharing a provocative message of embodied consciousness, awakening, non-duality and living in the present moment. Passionate Presence. She creates a safe, loving space where you can explore your most uncomfortable feelings, bring awareness to your troubling thoughts, and express the authentic truth and courage of your inner world.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”