Living the Risk

Photographic portraits being prepared to ship of to the National Portrait Gallery Photographic Portrait Competition.

Photographic portraits being prepared to ship of to the National Portrait Gallery Photographic Portrait Competition.

You know those things that niggle at you that you say you want to do?:  One day.  Next year. Before I die.

I have this idea that as we are ALL dying and we really do not know when…its best to be getting on with the ol’ bucket list.  And so, to that end, I have taken the risk of submitting some of the In Your Own Skin Portraits to the National Portrait Gallery Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Competition. I have NO idea what the outcome will be.  I DO know that it is important to risk doing the things we say we love and cherish.  And play the big full authentic game rather than play small. And so, with nearly 1 minute to go…(I swear my self-saboteur was THAT close) I got my online entry submitted and the rest fell into place.  This of course was with a little help from my wonderful assistant and photographer Steven who printed the photos for me exquisitely.

Here’s to taking risks to live our dreams!

What risk can you take today that you have been meaning to do for ages?

Have a beautiful day!