Growing Re-enchanted with the World

We are all Interconnected

In Devon England, where I call home, in these green breasty hills, Spring is glowing. This is partly to do with the unbelievable quantities of rainfall that we have here and just the fact that it’s April. Every Spring, the wild garlic miraculously and magically creates a carpet and the snowdrops and primroses emerge. The magnolia trees then burst into colorful displays like fireworks. I am in awe. It’s enchanting. Every time.

And, with this renewal and rebirth, there is something reassuring to my nervous system. This fresh opportunity at trusting life’s new beginnings. A new season. A new chance.

We are all Interconnected.

And have you ever noticed how these spectacular wild herbs and flowers grow in the margins, and the in between spaces? Every time it fills me with joy to see them, pushing through the rotten leaves and mulch of winter. There in these ecotones are the greatest variety of species, and the most resilient life forms.

We humans are also a kind of ecotone, reaching between worlds of earth and air. And as we embrace our original natural vitality, we re-member and come home to presence. I believe more and more that our stories live interstitially as well… in the spaces in between. All we have to do is listen. And this listening helps us re-member and come home to true selves.

This homecoming has less fear and less shame and more presence. Following the roots of curiosity and discovery back to the origins of our life passions again and again. Re- membering and growing, our re-enchantment with the world.

How do you tap into your creativity? What do you love Most about the margins and the ecotones?

Come and play and splash around in the margins in Devon. Come and feel that interconnection with a whole bunch of other gorgeous beings on the spectacular DARTINGTON Estate at the film Premiere in The Barn Cinema. Drinks and hanging out from 7pm, then the film with a bonus featurette and Q&A. What’s not to love?

How to connect:

Subscribe to this Blog and occasional newsletter, Share events and this blog generously with all your peeps and on Social Media , Book a course, buy an In Your Own Skin book* ISBN 978-0-9905420-0-1, Donate to the project to keep it going, Book your seats at the fabulous Barn Cinema if you are in the UK, OR organise to host screening with Q&A community event at YOUR local cinema.

And Thank you so so much!

*if you can, be a star and order through your local independent book seller