Longest pregnancy ever
Katheryn  with giant In Your Own Skin portrait  banner

Katheryn with giant In Your Own Skin portrait banner of the very gorgeous very pregnant Samantha from India

Here we are and it is Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a time of reflection, integration and most of all balance. Goodness knows we are all much more aware of the need for balance. And simplicity. And Essentialism. And we can all definitely use more comfort with discomfort.

So with that in mind, I offer up a contribution to all of these things and more. Connection with care, embracing the unity of diversity, the perfection of imperfection and the wonder of being a human being and being here for however long. I give you…drum roll…. the birth of In Your Own Skin documentary at long last.

In Your Own Skin film is born!

In Your Own Skin film is born!

And this has been the longest pregnancy ever… 10 years in fact. Well, you could say 8 years of pregnancy plus a pregnant pandemic pause of 2 more years  to wait to host live events. When I was ill and became much more clear about what is essential, it was very clear that THIS FILM would be one of my top priorities to complete. It is a wonderful thing to be so clear about what matters. And, perhaps that is because the film and the In Your Own Skin project also invites all who take part in it to reflect very simply on what matters…personally and globally. It is even more relevant now than when I started. We NEED art like this. I hope you will participate in the In Your Own Skin project and be inspired.

And thank you so much for everything.

How YOU can participate:

Share the event and this blog generously with all your peeps and on Social Media , buy an In Your Own Skin book* ISBN 978-0-9905420-0-1, Donate to the project to keep it going, Book your seats at the fabulous Totnes Cinema if you are in the UK, OR organise to host screening with Q&A community event at YOUR local cinema.

And Thank you so so much!

*if you can, be a star and order through your local independent book seller

Katheryn Trenshaw6 Comments